
When arrested, they may be held in jail until their court date. Sometimes, a defendant may be allowed to be released from custody before their court date by posting bail. FastĀ bail bonds pittsburgh is a sum of money or property deposited with the court to ensure the defendant’s appearance at all required court dates.

What are Fast Bail Bonds?

Fast Bail bonds are a way to get someone out of jail while waiting for their case to be decided. When someone is arrested, a bail bondsman can help them get out quickly. The defendant pays a certain amount of fee to the bail bondsman, and the bail bondsman puts up the rest of the money.

Benefits of Fast Bail Bonds:

Quick Release: The main advantage of fast bail bonds is that they can quickly get the defendant out of jail. This is especially important in cases where the defendant has work or family obligations.

Reduced Financial Burden: Bail can be costly, and many defendants are unable to pay the full amount. Fast bail bonds allow defendants to pay only a fraction of the total bail amount, reducing the financial burden significantly.

How to Obtain Fast Bail Bonds in Pittsburgh:

Contact a Bail Bondsman: Contacting a bail bondsman is the first step in obtaining fast bail bonds in Pennsylvania. They will walk you through the process and answer any questions.

To start the bail bonds process, the bail bondsman will need information such as the defendant’s name, booking number, and the name of the jail where they are being held.

Pay the Bail Bondsman: The defendant or their representative must pay the fee once the bail bondsman has received all the required information. Typically, the fee is 10% of the total bail amount.


Fast bail bonds are an essential service for those who cannot afford to post bail on their own. They offer a quick and efficient method of obtaining a defendant’s release from jail, reducing the financial burden and allowing the defendant to prepare for their court date.