Tofu can be eaten both raw and cooked. Naturally, it has a rather neutral flavor , but for this reason it is an extremely versatile ingredient, so much so that it could be used for all courses of a menu, from appetizers to desserts. Here are some tips on how to cook tofu (and conquer even the last of its detractors!) press tofu.

press tofu

The easiest way to cook tofu is to prepare it stir -fried , after marinating it. The secret to savoring it in all its goodness is enriching it with spices and aromatic herbs: cut it into cubes and let it rest for at least 30 minutes in a bowl with soy sauce, fresh grated ginger, a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil and curry or turmeric. or even your favorite spice mix.

After the time has elapsed, cook it in a pan , on the grill or on a plate, until the edges are lightly golden. It will be perfect to add to your favorite salads or to a rich bowl with cereals and seasonal vegetables.

If you prefer it even more crunchy, you can bread the tofu in a tablespoon of rice or corn starch: cut the tofu stick into cubes, pass them in the starch flavored with the spices you prefer, and then sauté it in a pan with a little oil. , or bake it in the oven.

Tofu can also be based on other preparations , such as meatballs and burgers. In this case, blend the tofu stick with spices and herbs of your choice, along with a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil. You can also add boiled vegetables.