Eat-and-Go Police is the largest eat-and-run verification site in Korea. We investigated eat and see, eat and go, eat and run and eat and run Korea companies and food places. The results of these investigations are posted on our website every day.

먹튀검증업체 Police was created to provide eat-and-sees, restaurants that do not give a receipt if you pay cash or give you a separate receipt for tax if they can’t make it seem like an eat all you want restaurant (most people think of buffet when they hear eat all you can, but there are many styles).

The eat-and-Go Police website is for people who eat at eat and go, eat and sees or eat and runs. Also, we want to help the Police find CCTV footage of members who have done wrong. We also allow anyone to write an essay about their experience in an eat-and-sees. We want eat-and-sees to be open 24 hours, but some are closed during lunchtime, making the business owners think to eat, and seers don’t eat at eat and seers during lunchtime. But eat and see restaurants need to know how many eaters come in for dinner because the owners know how much food to buy for dinner if they know how many eaters come in.


The eat-and-Go Police distinguish itself from other web portals by publishing various materials on its website, including blog posts about trending items, an entry about a restaurant before visiting, and then a follow-up after review (a procedure known as pre and post), as well as consumer comments. Many eaters do not pay the right price in the eat-and eat-and-go, eat-and-see, or eat-and-run businesses. Many eat-all-you-can-find restaurants use a single receipt for both eat-all-you-can buffet meals and a la carte meals.

I eat all you can eat eaters eat what they want, eat all you can restaurants would go bankrupt. Also, there are some eat and runs that open after midnight to sell alcohol for late-night eaters.